Raising the Game! Introducing 2019 China GT Race Director James Taylor
China GT will engage motorsport veteran, Porsche Carrera Cup and Bathurst 12 Hour race director James Taylor in 2019 in the same role. He is expected to continue making improvements to China GT’s race operations and increase transparency to bring the championship up to FIA inscription.
“I am excited to return to Asia and help raise China GT to FIA and international standard”, said the Australian. “China GT has a lot of potential to become a championship that is both well regarded by the teams and commercially successful.”
James is no stranger to Asian motorsport, having served as race director for the Porsche Carrera Cup Asia and Thailand Super Series since 2016. He believes that these experiences have encouraged him to take the wheel at this fast-growing Chinese series, now in its fourth consecutive year.“I really enjoyed working in Asia because it’s great to see things being achieved. With the Thailand Super Series, Rikki [Dy-Liacco, China GT steward] and I have moved it to the point where competitors and drivers want to join, and where it is regarded as fair and even. That’s what we want to achieve with China GT as well.”
Since its inception, China GT has risen to prominence in Asian motorsport, and become an attractive proposition for teams and businesses interested in entering the China market. However, it has not all been plain sailing for this burgeoning championship. There is still plenty of work to do and James has a plan.
“We can make some improvements on the operational system to help China GT reach FIA standard for international series. We need to work closely with local circuits and officials to bring them up to the next level. I am well aware of the commercial needs of the promoter to make this a good show for customers and fans, so I am prepared to work with all the stakeholders to achieve the best sporting and entertainment alignment. “Transparency is going to be key this year. We want to be approachable and treat people equally. People would respond well to that. Some championships have established themselves as being fair and consistent, and that’s the kind of place teams want to be. This is how I envision China GT’s future.”
James has traveled to China a number of times for work and pleasure. “I love that China has such varied cultures in different regions. The people and the country are so open to improvement, but at the same time staying true to their heritage and roots.” He will return again this coming April for a family holiday, before returning to China for the domestic rounds of the 2019 China GT season.
Address:Beijing Goldenport Motor Park
ChinaGT隶属于北京中视甲子文化发展有限公司, 中视甲子文化发展有限公司是中国超级跑车锦标赛(ChinaGT)唯一推广公司。
China GT Championship 中国超级跑车锦标赛