马来西亚吉隆坡, 2018年12月19日 – 金港企业与绿野集团隆重宣布,双方携手于2019年3月15-17日在雪邦国际赛道举行2019赛季ChinaGT中国超级跑车锦标赛揭幕战,暨马来西亚首届亚洲GT赛车节。届时将有40余台GT跑车亮相,争夺China GT高达900万人民币(合计545万马币)的年度总奖金。
SERI KEMBANGAN, 19 December 2018 – Country Heights and its partner, Goldenport Enterprises today announced that Malaysia will host its first Asia GT Festival from 15 -17 March 2019 at Sepang International Circuit (SIC). The racing festival will see over 30 GT cars from all around the world racing for the coveted prize money pool of RM5.45 million (RMB 9,000,000).
The first to be held outside of China, Asia GT Festival is a precursor to a five-year agreement between Country Heights and Goldenport Enterprises and it will be on SIC’s motorsports calendar for the duration of the agreement.
绿野集团执行董事李泰扬表示:“我们希望通过亚洲GT赛车节,在马来西亚扩大四轮赛车运动的影响力,也给马来西亚的车手提供参加国际赛事的机会。”绿野集团以及其旗舰项目绿野汽车城(MINES Car City Centre)也希望借此项目发展马来西亚当地的汽车文化和赛车行业。
“Through this Asia GT Festival, we want to grow Malaysians’ exposure to a different kind of four-wheeled motorsport racing,” said Executive Director of Country Heights, Matahari Lee at the press conference. “Besides that, our other objective of hosting this race is to provide aspiring Malaysian racers the opportunity to be part of an international renowned racing event.” He added that this racing event is a step forward for Country Heights and the MINES Car City Centre in their objective of developing the country’s automotive lifestyle and motorsports industry.
金港企业董事长叶明钦先生表示:“China GT从创建伊始就希望扩大其在亚洲的影响力,马来西亚对赛车运动充满着热情,是亚洲GT落地的不二之选。吉隆坡有着丰厚的文化底蕴、赛车运动的历史和巨大的发展潜力。我们很高兴能够和绿野集团合作,把亚洲GT赛车节打造成当地具有影响力的赛事。”
“Since last year, we have been planning to broaden the appeal of Asia GT to the region and Malaysia is the best place to start because there are many passionate motorsports fans here,” said founder of Goldenport Enterprises, Jim Ye. “We are thrilled to be here in Kuala Lumpur which is a city with a rich culture and exciting opportunities. This is an exciting time for us and our partner Country Heights to see Malaysia as the highlight of the Asia GT racing calendar.”
亚洲GT赛车节的压轴戏ChinaGT是中国顶级的超级跑车锦标赛,聚集了世界知名赛车运动厂商品牌,开放了GT3、GTC和GT4组别,让各级别的车手有机会在赛场上一决高下。同时囊括的马来西亚速度节(Malaysia Speed Festival,简称MSF)是一家赛车俱乐部,将用本地制造的改装车型奉献亲民、激烈而又安全的赛车竞技盛宴。
The race festival is expected to be participated by some of the world-famous racing brands such as Porsche, Audi, Ferrari, Bentley, McLaren, and Mercedes Benz. Throughout the three-day event, spectators can expect to see races such as the GT3 and GT4 categories and the Malaysia Speed Festival (MSF) race that will feature performance-modified locally manufactured cars. The MSF is a motorsports club purpose-built club started by enthusiast for enthusiast to facilitate races for the masses in a safe yet highly-competitive and affordable racing environment.
亚洲GT赛车节的门票可以通过MotoNation官方Facebook页面(@MotoNation2018)或者网站(motonation.com.my),以及China GT官方微信平台(ChinaGT_net)购买。价格在20-350马币之间。
Tickets for the Asia GT Festival is now available and can be purchased through MotoNation’s Facebook page. The ticket price categories range from RM20 to RM350 (to insert ticket categories if possible).
China GT/亚洲GT赛车节
中国超级跑车锦标赛China GT,是经国家体育总局和中国汽车摩托车运动联合会批准,列入年度全国体育竞赛计划及中国汽摩联赛历,并且注册到FIA国际汽联的赛事。China GT是中国汽车类最高级别赛事,汇集了中国最顶尖的20余支实力强队,参赛车辆达到35辆,国内外顶级赛手近百名,2018年全年现场观众38.8万人次,电视及网络观众超过7000万,奏响了中国赛事最强音。2019赛季,China GT包含6站比赛,共3组别,分别为GT3、GTC、 GT4,总奖金9,000,000人民币。
China GT Championship is a nationwide motorsport event that features the world’s most premier automotive brands and is ratified by the Federation of Automobile and Motorcycle Sports of People’s Republic of China (CAMF), as well as authorized by the General Administration of Sports of China. China GT permits three type of driving pairings: Pro/Am, Am/Am and a solo Am. The Championship comprises the title of Drivers’ Champion and Teams’ Champion in each of GT3, GTC, and GT4 classes. China GT achieved tremendous success in its inaugural year in 2016, with 28 cars entering, attended by 325,000 spectators across four race weekends and achieving a total media value exceeding RMB100 million.
2019年也是China GT进军亚洲赛场的元年,在海外将被称为亚洲GT赛车节。
Expanding internationally for the very first time, China GT Championship will be internationally known as the Asia GT Festival.
With the motto of “Ever Searching for Better Living”, Country Heights Group of Companies was founded by Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew and was officially incorporated on the 10th of May 1984 as a private limited company. Starting off as a property developer with the unique touch to deliver beautiful country-style homes in Malaysia, the company was listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia in 1994. Today, Country Heights Holdings Berhad is a lifestyle property development and investments, hotel and resort management, healthcare and wellness, events and exhibition and tourism industries. The company has strong track record as the master developer of over 560 million square foot of space around the world, and its past projects include some of the world’s well-known landmarks such as the London ExCel Exhibition and Conference Center, the Mines Wellness City in peninsula Malaysia, Borneo Highlands Resort in East Malaysia.
作为本赛季的亮点之一,ARCFOX-7成为China GT GT4组别全年6站的官方领航车。ARCFOX-7由西班牙巴塞罗那研发中心负责打造,其最大功率达到了612马力,峰值扭矩达到了1050牛·米,在Formula-E电机及其控制系统的加持下,ARCFOX-7由静止加速至100千米/小时仅需2.9秒,最高车速达到了260千米/小时。
ChinaGT隶属于北京中视甲子文化发展有限公司, 中视甲子文化发展有限公司是中国超级跑车锦标赛(ChinaGT)唯一推广公司。